I was born in 1969 and live in Copenhagen, Denmark. I had my debut as a poet in 1998 with Tatoveringer (Tattoos), which was followed by Golden Delicious (2002) and Kingsize (2006) – published in USA by Subpress in 2014. In 2009 I published the novel-collage, Jævnet med jorden (Leveled to the Ground), and in 2014 FREE BRAIDING, a big collective collagebook I wrote together with Naja Marie Aidt and Line Knutzon was published, followed by a short book of poetry, Omina, written together with Aidt. Also, I have written two books for children, Ti grønne fingre (Ten Green Fingers) (2006) and Hvad siger sneugleungen Ulla? (What does Tula the Baby Snowy Owl say?) (2009). Quite a lot of my work has been translated into Swedish, Finnish, Greenlandic, German, Spanish, and English. Besides writing books, I also work with mailart and netart, such as Letterproject M.M. – in Danish Brevprojekt M.M. (www.afsnitp.dk/galleri/mm/home.html) and the collective, anonymous text www.kollektivt-anonymt.dk.
I have always worked with the performative aspects of reading for an audience, and recently I have started to co-work with a musician, we dig weird, organic, computermanipulated sounds, beats, and our motto is: agression and fun. We call ourselves SHE’S A SHOW.
I have an academic background, I studied literature for many years, a highlight was a course by Edward Said himself at Columbia University. I dropped out of a ph.d. back in 2001 in order to, well, live as a poet. Theory still means a lot to me, but I use it very ideosyncratic.
During the years, I have teached a lot at different Scandinavian Writer Schools in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. Right now, I am working at Litterär Gestaltning in Göteborg, Sweden. I like to work with different people in different contexts. I have participated in many poetryfestivals – especially in Norway and Sweden, but also in Germany, Estonia, Iceland, Finland and Greenland.